Why did you join SYCBA?
I joined the SYCBA many years ago when there was no board or officers with a total membership of under 30 people. I wanted to be involved in helping to grow the group. I was and still am particularly interested in seeing businesses in Southern York County thrive as I grew up in Loganville having been a customer at many local businesses around the area.
What do you like the most about the group?
I love the people. The SYCBA truly is a group of friends who look out for each other. I also enjoy the laid back format. Groups with rigid rules, restrictions and formalities do not appeal to me and seem to make it harder to be productive
How long have you been a member?
I’m guesstimating 16 years.
A little bit about myself (fun and/or work):
I currently work as the Vice President of Business Development for the York Revolution, York’s professional independent minor league baseball team. I oversee the sales operation for the team including sponsorships and ticket sales. I also oversee the sales operation for Eventive (community event production), Sports Radio 98.9 and WOYK 1350 and the York Ice Arena. I am married to my wife Pam who works at Children’s Aid Society and have two kids, Spencer 19 and Sophia 16. For fun I like to smoke meats, watch baseball, listen to music, drink beer and coach youth softball. I’ve been coaching my kids in various sports for 12 years.
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